
Cybersecurity Conversations for the C-Suite in 2020

As your enterprise embraces digital transformation, your security measures must evolve in response.

In 2020, the top priority for any CISO or CIO will be to manage the risk associated with digital transformation, and enhance your security programs in order to keep up with new technological complexity.

In this report, members of Herjavec Group’s executive team answer the burning question: how can cybersecurity programs keep pace with digital transformation in 2020?

Whether your enterprise is on the cusp of digital transformation, or you were early to embrace it, security should be top of mind for any executive and board-level business leader. We recommend having three key conversations with your executive team this year in order to prepare for the inevitable digital transformations facing your enterprise:

  • Is our Identity-Focused Digital Transformation driven by Content or Context?
  • How are we practicing Proactive & Customized Security Planning Through Threat Modelling?
  • Are we maximizing the Power of Security Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR)?

Download the full report to learn more about the cybersecurity conversations you should be having this year, and what questions you need to ask yourself as a cyber-aware professional.